|v shape impact avatars edge timeUnanswered container | timeUnanswered := 38. "Creation of dummy data" dummyData := Dictionary new. dummyData at: 'retweeters' put: '5'; at: 'reach' put: '10k'. impactData := dummyData. "Impact box" impact := RTBox new color: (Color red alpha: 0.3); size: 200. impact := impact element @ RTDraggable. impact translateBy: (timeUnanswered*50)@0. "Avatars" shape := RTBox new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3); size: 200. avatars := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 3). "avatars @ RTPopup." RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: (avatars size)*50; on: avatars. container := (RTBox new color: Color transparent) element @ RTDraggable. RTNest new on: container nest: avatars. "Line" "edge := RTEdge from:(avatars at: 1) to: impact." edge := RTEdge from: container to: impact. "Building the view" v := RTView new. v addAll: avatars. v add: container. v add: impact. "Dibujando los textos " impact @ (RTLabelled new text: 'RT'; fontSize: 45; below ). impact @ (RTLabelled new text: 'RTAA'; fontSize: 45 ). v add: (edge + (RTGradientColoredLine new colors: (Array with: (Color white alpha:0.3) with: (Color red alpha:0.9)); precision: 100; width: 20; gradientColorShape)). v view canvas focusOnCenterScaled.