Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Debugger'; version: 'DebuggerExtensions-AndreiChis.9'; load. Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'AndreiChis' project: 'GTDebuggerPharo4'; version: 'GT-Debugger-AndreiChis.250'; version: 'GT-SUnitDebugger-AndreiChis.19'; load. (Smalltalk at: #GTGenericStackDebugger) registerExtraToolsOn: Smalltalk tools. (Smalltalk at: #GTSUnitDebugger) registerExtraToolsOn: Smalltalk tools. "GTGenericStackDebugger register. Cannot do this in 4.0 because it hangs...hopefully for 5.0." (Smalltalk at: #GTGenericStackDebugger) perform: #enableDebuggerWindowDistinctColor: with: (true). (Smalltalk at: #GTGenericStackDebugger) perform: #enableStackColoring: with: (true). " ALL FOLLOWING LINES ARE ONLY IF YOU USE DARK THEME Unfortunatly, stack coloring does not work nicely with dark theme so I made an override with colors I know that work more or less correct with DarkTheme. " (Smalltalk at: #GTGenericStackDebugger) compile: 'textAttributesForStackEntry: aContext (self selectedContext isNil or: self class enableStackColoring not) ifTrue: [ ^ {TextColor color: Smalltalk ui theme textColor} ]. (self selectedContext == aContext) ifTrue: [ ^ {TextColor color: Smalltalk ui theme textColor} ]. (aContext receiver class = self selectedContext receiver class) ifTrue: [ ^ { TextColor cyan } ]. (aContext receiver class package = self selectedContext receiver class package) ifTrue: [ ^ { TextColor magenta } ]. ^ {TextColor white}'.