| v es startingElement shape | v := RTView new. es := (RTEllipse new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.9); size: 15) elementsOn: (1 to: 40). v addAll: es. es @ RTDraggable. "we are properly locating the nodes" startingElement := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha: 1.0); size: 20) element. v add: startingElement. startingElement @ RTDraggable. RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: 350; on: es. es translateTo: 0 @ 0. startingElement translateBy: -150 @ 0. "Building the bezier lines" shape := RTBezierLine new centerOfObjects: (1 to: 40) inView: v. v addAll: (shape edgesFrom: startingElement toAll: es). ^ v