Object subclass: #TooManyArgs instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' package: 'AAA'. "------" methodWith16Args := ' ' join: ((1 to: 16) collect: [ :i | 'x: a', i asString ] ). "'x: a1 x: a2 x: a3 x: a4 x: a5 x: a6 x: a7 x: a8 x: a9 x: a10 x: a11 x: a12 x: a13 x: a14 x: a15 x: a16'" [#TooManyArgs asClass compile: methodWith16Args] on: Exception do: [ :e | e printString ]. "'SyntaxErrorNotification: Too many arguments'" "------" send16Args := ' ' join: ((1 to: 16) collect: [ :i | 'x: ', i asString ] ). methodWithSend16Args := 'methodWithSend16Args', String cr , 'self ', send16Args. "'methodWithSend16Args self x: 1 x: 2 x: 3 x: 4 x: 5 x: 6 x: 7 x: 8 x: 9 x: 10 x: 11 x: 12 x: 13 x: 14 x: 15 x: 16'" [#TooManyArgs asClass compile: methodWithSend16Args] on: Exception do: [ :e | e printString ] "'InMidstOfFileinNotification'". "------" send32Args := ' ' join: ((1 to: 32) collect: [ :i | 'x: ', i asString ] ). methodWithSend32Args := 'methodWithSend32Args', String cr , 'self ', send32Args. [#TooManyArgs asClass compile: methodWithSend32Args] on: Exception do: [ :e | e printString ] "'Error: genSend:numArgs: numArgs index 32 is out of range 0 to 31'"