"WORKSPACES - https://gist.github.com/philippeback/4dd8e1e4866e26a0de34 http://ws.stfx.eu workspace - Need to post something on this at: http://borden.pharocloud.com/pier/john-c-borden/updates/ Original workspace this is based on:" ZnWorkspace openUrl: 'http://ws.stfx.eu/1WS4U'. "Of course, even without installing the tool, you can download and upload workspaces" Workspace openContents: (ZnClient new get: 'http://ws.stfx.eu/1WS4U'). "Post it through code (in case the down arrow isn't working in the top-right):" ZnClient new systemPolicy; beOneShot; url: 'http://ws.stfx.eu'; contents: Clipboard clipboardText asString; post. "Don't forget to inspect this last expression to see the new key" "It is also possible to create new workspace via a web interface, try http://ws.stfx.eu/new " "PROBLEM W/ PIER PERSISTENCY" SmalltalkImage current openSourceFiles. "Updated PRToDoView>>setReports so when complete is hit, it calls #setReports again (and moves where the completed item is)." "PRToDo WORK Could make PRToDoView more like the browse button, question is how to get the background right. Could refactor #setReports with:" #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) groupsOf: 3 atATimeCollect: [ :coll | Transcript show: coll; cr ]. "PIER WORK - find out why TOC is not working well." "PIER WORK - Automation - starting with http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/TorstenBergmann/Scheduler/main" (TaskScheduler allInstances isEmpty ifTrue: [TaskScheduler new start] ifFalse: [TaskScheduler allInstances anyOne]) do: [Transcript cr; show: 'From the TaskScheduler: '; show: Time now] every: 5 minutes. TaskScheduler allInstances anyOne magritteDescription. "Not sure how to display a TaskScheduler - Just tried setting up #renderContentOn: to just execute: html html: self taskScheduler This generated an error: MAWriteError: Not supposed to write to a PRScheduler This is coming from MAIdentityAccessor>>write:to: . Also tried: html render: self taskScheduler This also generated the same error (adding a halt identified that this is not called). Removed the description: PRScheduler>>describeTaskScheduler ^ self taskScheduler magritteDescription And it begain working. Added #children to return: ^ super children copyWith: self taskScheduler This generated the error: Error: Task scheduler is running with zero tasks is missing #accept: Removing the children override resolve it. The only widget that implements #children is PRContentsWidget. " PRPathLookup PRPathLookup start: PRKernel instances anyOne root path: '/Wiki Win/Test a PRScheduler/Here'. "The do: block does not take any arguments." (TaskScheduler allInstances isEmpty ifTrue: [TaskScheduler new start] ifFalse: [TaskScheduler allInstances anyOne]) do: [Transcript cr; show: Time now] every: 2 hours. TaskScheduler allInstances do: [ :e | e stop ]. PRScheduler allInstances anyOne. "Figure out how to display the TaskScheduler - #tasks is a private method in the original ScheduledTasks Also, after adding several tasks, they suddenly disappear withou explaination - it seems like they are only around for the current session. Also curious what this does (it picks up the descriptions which have the magritteActionDescription pragma, but can't see how to display with this." ScheduledTask new uniqueActionSelectors. "Run GC, put the notifications in the top right." ButtonModel new label: 'Garbage Collect'; action: [ Smalltalk garbageCollect. UIManager inform: 'Garbage is collected.' ]; openWithSpec. "May be cool to look into Growl notification - there's this:" PolymorphSystemSettings growlPosition: #topRight. PolymorphSystemSettings growlPosition: #bottomLeft. (1 + 2 ); break; printString