| v tweet profiles avatars | tweet := Tweet new. tweet scrapDataFromUrl: 'https://twitter.com/offrayLC/status/599196718152949760'. "Create profiles collecting information for all users mentioned in the tweet" profiles := OrderedCollection new. tweet mentions do: [:eachMention | profiles add: (TwitterProfile new scrapDataFromProfile: eachMention)]. "Use the profiles to create a collection of avatar images which are draggable elements on a view" avatars := OrderedCollection new. profiles do: [:eachProfile | avatars add: (RTBitmap new form: eachProfile avatar) element @ RTDraggable ]. (avatars at: 2) translateBy: 400@0. (avatars at: 3) translateBy: 800@0. "Creating the view and adding elements to it" v := RTView new. avatars do: [:avatar | v add: avatar]. RTCircleLayout new on: avatars. v view canvas focusOnCenterScaled.