| canvas diameter angle nucleous epicycle | "Crea un círculo de tamaño fijo y color aleatorio" canvas := TRCanvas new. "nucleous" nucleous := TREllipseShape new. diameter := 200. "This sould be variable, representing time." nucleous size: diameter. nucleous color: Color lightGreen. canvas addShape: nucleous. "epicycle" epicycle := TREllipseShape new. "The following two values should be computed dynamically. Just testing them for aesthetical reasons" angle := ( 360 atRandom asFloat ) * 3.141592/180 . epicycle size: 35. epicycle color: Color lightRed. epicycle translateTo: (( ( diameter / 2 ) * ( angle cos )) @ (( diameter / 2 ) * ( angle sin )) ). canvas addShape: epicycle. "Showing the end result" canvas .