"Idea: calcular el centro de masa de varios RTBox" | view impact avatars edge cm centro timeUnanswered | view := RTView new. timeUnanswered := 28. avatars := OrderedCollection new. 1 to: 10 do: [:eachProfile | avatars add: (RTBox new width: 150; height: 150) element @ RTDraggable ]. "Adding avatars and putting them in proper layout" avatars do: [:avatar | view add: avatar]. RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: 150; on: avatars. "Impact" impact := RTBox new color: (Color red alpha: 0.3); size: 200. impact := impact element @ RTDraggable. impact translateBy: (timeUnanswered*50)@0. view add: impact. "Computing center of mass" cm := (0@0). avatars do: [ :avatar | cm := cm + ((avatar position)/(avatars size )) ]. centro := RTBox new width: 2; height: 2. centro := centro element. edge := RTEdge from: centro to: impact. view add: edge. centro translateBy: cm. view add: centro. view add: (edge + (RTGradientColoredLine new colors: (Array with: (Color white alpha:0.3) with: (Color red alpha:0.9)); precision: 100; width: 7; gradientColorShape)). view view canvas focusOnCenterScaled .